Dave Nicholson & John Thornhill

CB Ad Rotator

Rated 5 out of 5 based on 25 reviews.

Price : $47.00
Availability: In stock!

by: Dave Nicholson & John Thornhill

More: www.CBAdRotator.com

This would mean you earn a measly $10 for your efforts, this is probably the results you are used to right now.

You do not need any technical knowledge at all, as long as you can copy and paste into your web page.

So What Do The Ads Look Like? Basically, you choose the look of the ad to match your web page, you can control pretty much every aspect of the ad such as font, font colors, font size, border colors and styles, you can also choose the exact size of ads you require by title length, description length, word length, ad number, width, height, orientation etc.

You set up your ads related to your websites content and appearance.

If only there was an alternative that could pay us for the results we give our advertisers so we earn the commissions we are due!.

Editor's Notes:Coming Soon...

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