Liz Thompson & Ric Thompson

Free Spiritual Connection Pendant

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by: Liz Thompson & Ric Thompson
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Whether it be through the sacred experiences of creation, enlightenment, rebirth, or dreams.

But historically speaking, there are many, many common threads and traditions weaving through and binding us as beings all across the planet, and yes, even inter-dimensionally through space and time - If you know our True Past and where to look for the Divine Connections.

And that is our connection to the World Tree and its cycles, wisdom, and connection to everything and everyone To the Norse, the World Tree was represented as literally passing through nine different realms or dimensions And they believed that humans could learn to travel between these realms on the rainbow bridge.

In addition to your beautiful necklace, we will alsoinclude two FREE GIFTS if you can reserve yours today: Bonus #1: Living Spiritually Hypnotherapy Session This beautiful hypnotherapy audio session will strengthen your spiritual connection to the world around you.

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