Count Lines By Michele Miller

Count Lines

Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 54 reviews.

Price : $39.97
Availability: In stock!

by: Michele Miller
Popular Searches: Text Counting, Character Count, Word Counting, Line Counter


I love this program! Thank you for having this made.

Line counter and Invoice Program 0 counts: Words Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Lines (per set number of characters) Gross lines (any line with typing on it) Pages Paragraphs Include/exclude headers and footers And produces an automatic Invoice! It will keep a log of all the files counted so when you are ready to invoice your client, all the information is at your fingertips! It's important to have a user friendly program, that is quick and easy to use! The HELP files show you step-by-step screen shots of how to use the program so you can be up and running in five minutes! Here's what an experienced transcriptionist had to say.

Windows 98, 2000, ME, Windows 7, and XP Home Professional Vista.

Lucie, FL 34986 (772) 466-3435 EST.

Count Lines the Easy Line Counter and Invoice Program Software Count lines and Easy Invoice Program Software Count lines, characters per line, words, pages, or paragraphs the easy way! This amazing line counting and invoice program for the medical transcriptionist, legal transcriptionist, secretary, author, or other language professionals will make your life so much easier.

Editor's Notes:
1) Count lines in file bash...
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