Type 2 Diabetes Strategy

Type 2 Diabetes Strategy

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by: Jodi Knapp

More: www.BlueHeronHealthNews.com

Pills are not going to do anything but treat the symptoms! And in the long run, theyll make your problem worse.

Inflammation is just your bodys way of treating sickness, infection or injury.

The problem is, you dont know what to make of it! With thousands of books, articles, and online programs out there, theres no shortage of informationjust a shortage of good information.

The question you need to ask him (and yourself) is: If these treatments are so great, why does everyone and their brother havetype 2 diabetes? Consider this: Over 25 million (almost 10%) people in USA alone have type 2 diabetes A staggering 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes (more than three times the amount of full-blown diabetics) Americans spend $218 billion (yes BILLIONS) treating diabetes every year and its estimated to double every 25 years Does this sound like modern medicine is making progress? Not to me! Type 2 Diabetes is a Symptom AND a Disease Believe it or not, but when you stick your finger with a glucometer and you get a blood sugar reading of lets say 250, it mightNOTbe because you havetype 2 diabetes! Thats right: plenty of people without diabetes walk around with high blood sugar all the time.

There is so much contradicting information out there that often makes no sense.

Editor's Notes:Coming Soon...

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Type 2 Diabetes Strategy - Will there be any issues?

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