You may wonder why in the past, some bets you've placed have lost, despite being almost guaranteed winners?? Well the reality is that the bookmakers odds don't reflect the true chances of most betting events real outcomes.
With the Value Tips Software you will learn how to see what the real winnings bets are likely to be, namely by betting on bets at a value odds price which is the true long term way of having betting success.
In betting, and in particular Horse Racing there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, so while you are placing your bets, thinking you have a good as chance as anyone if the bet isn't a value price you really don't.
Now for the average bettor, this really SUCKS. Why should this elite 1% get access to secret info, while the rest of us scrabble around barely making a profit on our bets??
Well, its time for a change and now YOU too can get your hands on a value bets that will put you up there with the best betting experts, that will provide you with effortless wins and will give you such a buzz you'll be ecstatic.