Mi 40 X By Ben Pakulski
Price : $97.00
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by: Ben Pakulski

More: www.Mi40X.com
Just when I thought nothing could match the quality and knowledge of MI40, Ben outdoes himself again by introducing the all new MI40X" completely blowing any other training program out of the water.
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Normal training tears down muscle fibers and forces your body to go into crisis mode, trying like hell to repair it before your next workout However, you can expand a cell without experiencing this recovery crisis In fact, that's exactly what my patented, university-proven system is called: Cell Expansion Protocol Training, or CEP Training for short It's unlike anything you've ever experienced, and it takes a whopping four minutes per exercise to automatically trigger the CEP Response So, rather than ripping your fibers to shreds, you selectively stimulate You use the 4-minute CEP Training Principle to force every cell in every muscle into hyper-recovery mode Think about it: Take a balloon.
I'm super excited to see how my body changes from here with this new knowledge! I gained 14lbs overall! Adam Schmidt I'm very pleased with my results.
That's why you need the ENTIRE SET of my training videos, to make SURE you use only the CEP-Approved Movements AND to guarantee you stay super-motivated for as long as you need to get that body you desire These videos contain a TON of tips that only pros know to get the most out of every second you spend in the gym So you can spend LESS time, and get the hell out and go enjoy your life Knowing you've done just the right amount of ass-kicking work to stimulate those cells to expand.
Editor's Notes:Coming Soon...
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