House Painting Tutorials By Yelena Kublitski

House Painting Tutorials

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by: Yelena Kublitski


And if youve always dreamed of hiring a professional color consultant but could never afford it, now you will become one - at least for yourself! Because if there ever was a way to "borrow" good taste, competence and expertise when it comes to paint colors, this is it.

Janice Potts Real Estate Agent Avalon, NJ "Guys, You Can Use This System to Impress Your Wife!" Have you ever entered a paint store and seen that gigantic rack of color choices? It can be quite overwhelming.

In addition, there is advice on Light Reflectivity for each paint choice, which is important thinking about the ambient light energy level in each room.

She's even included a 'Paint Color Schedule' used by professional designers, architects and color consultants to effectively communicate your paint selections to your contractor or paint store clerk.

Your friends will think your wall colors have been selected by a designer.

Editor's Notes:
1) House painting techniques...
2) House painting lessons...
3) Painting room tutorials...
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