Red Eared Slider Secrets By Jason Wooten

Red Eared Slider Secrets

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Price : $19.00
Availability: In stock!

by: Jason Wooten
Popular Searches: Red Eared Slider Care, Red Ear Slider, Red Ear Slider Turtle


Also, check for evidence of injury, such as swelling or bruising.

Would you prefer to spend your days worrying about your Red-Eared Slider, whether you are providing it with the best possible careor would you like to have this valuable guide on hand to teach you everything you need to know and what to do in every possible situation?My book is written with the home Red-Eared Slider owner in mind, so you can expect it to be totally practical and not get to deep into details regarding extensive knowledge or sophisticated equipment.

I bought Red Eared Slider Secrets and made sure he read it before I would agree to take him to the pet store.

LIMITED BONUS #2 : 10 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid With Red-Eared Sliders This is another valuable resource for Red-Eared Slider owners everywhere.

I am here to provide you with honest answers to your most challenging questionsAre turtles warm or cold-blooded?Does a Red-Eared slider make a good pet for a beginner?Where can I purchase a Red-Eared Slider?What are the signs of a healthy turtle?How long do Red-Eared Sliders live?What type of cage do Red-Eared Sliders needThese difficult questions may have even the most experienced Red-Eared Slider owners stumped.

Editor's Notes:Coming Soon...

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