Stop Procrastinating By Charlie Ritchie

Stop Procrastinating

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Price : $97.00
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by: Charlie Ritchie
Popular Searches: Stop Procrastinating, Procrastinator, Procrastination, Overcoming Procrastination


The cost of failure is much higher than any monetary value.

They organize and re-organize.

How to crash through the barrier between where you are now and where you want to be.

I started it in early January as part of my new years resolutions and by the time I was finished I felt I had made lots of changes in my life.

By dedicating a small amount of time to overcoming procrastination once a day for three weeks you will break the habit of procrastination.

Editor's Notes:
1) Stop procrastinating tips...
2) Stop procrastinating books...
3) Stop procrastinating hypnosis...
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