
4 Cycle Fat Loss

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Price : $47.00
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by: Shaun Hadsall

More: www.4CycleFatLoss.com

The most important piece of the fat loss puzzle is what's been known since the days of the caveman.

Did You Know? Whenever you lower carbs in your diet for more than 5 to 7 days at a time, it can lead to a downward spiral of metabolic problems including: - Suppressed thyroid (inefficient conversion of T4 to T3) - Decreased testosterone production (women need this to burn fat too!) - Compromised immune system function - SLOWER metabolism and adrenal fatigue - Muscle loss - Halted fat burning and weight loss plateaus - Leptin resistance (50% LESS fat burning hormone production) Ya, pretty much everything you want to avoid.

But why waste your time? Instead, just follow the proven path of the hundreds of other professionals who have walked the talk for years and years.

But that's not the only reason I'm so passionate about this solution.

The Japanese diet staples are high carb foods like white rice and Samurais were even known for eating up to 24 different varieties of potatoes! Ironically, to this very day they're STILL the leanest and healthiest people in the whole world.

Editor's Notes:Coming Soon...

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